Postal and Zone Code Lookups

What postal code should I use?

To search for a postal code, you can use Canada Post’s ‘Find a Postal Code‘ website.

What zone code should I use for Vancouver departments?

The ‘zone code’ on inter-departmental UBC Vancouver mail is the last digit of the UBC postal code for the department. (V6T 1Z_) It is generally 1, 2, 3, or 4. This number ensures that mail can be sorted and delivered quickly and accurately.

In order to find a zone code, you can utilize the ‘Wayfinding at UBC‘ website. Search for a building name, address, keyword, or department, and you should be able to find the appropriate zone code under the ‘Address’ column in the search results.

We are currently working on getting a comprehensive listing of all zone codes by department on this website. Please check back at a later date.